PenguinMoral #General Talk


Cant change skill links So, I can't transfer my Xenons skill link. Does anyone else have this problem or is it just me? o.o [url=]Shows no one has the skill link[/url] [url=]Says that I can "Only choose one character per day"[/url] [url=]Just in case someone says I just gave it to a character and clicked "Select" again.[/url] On a side note: what's the best Xenon book to get? xP


Evolution World problem So, I got my Kanna to 100(I hate her so much) and I started the evo world questline. [url=]This happens qq[/url] ISN'T THIS QUEST IS SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN AFTER THE TUTORIAL? People who don't get it : Tutorial is supposed to teach you how to use evolution world, after that you get "The World of Your Making" where he explains about cores, and enjoy your evo world! Unfortunately I never did the tutorial and it won't let me D< [url=]Quest I cannot pass[/url]


New emoticon phrases My friend wants to know the new phrases that cause an emoticon. List the ones you know please. :D dis guy hahaha / lol /^_^ / xD - F2 hmm /D: / - F3 T_T / :/ / - F4 Rage - F5 ._. / eh? / huh? - F6 :O / o_o - F7 f2 - ;D*, :], ;p*, rofl, hehe f3 - ><, >_<, ;(*, f4 - ;_;, Q_Q, u_u, u-u f5 - grrr, D:<, >;(, ):< f6 - o_o, ;|*, @_@, *_* (never see anyone doing this face) f7 - 0_0, 0.0, -_-, =_= *changed ; > : so basil emotes don't show Thank you.