Penguinsftw #Evan Talk

General Evan

I need help. I dont wanna quit another character Ok well i have this problem.. Every time i get a character i always quit it. This is what usually happens on all my characters. Make character --> Get to lvl 30 --> Get to lvl 70 --> Get to lvl 110 ---> Someone leeches me to level 130--->Never train again. This happens on my almost all my characters -_- So i know the normal training spot is LHC till 165 but can someone give me some tips not get bored of my character? Evans are really fun but i just cant train. Any help?

General Evan

My quest chain just Stopped? So i was doing all my quest and i got up to The secret organizations 4th mission. And i remember i gave the map to hiver and then i went to the island and those annoying bunny things where there. I also got the Frued flashback.. But people are talking about a quest called "Target of Rage" Not working. but i havent even done that quest yet... Am i missing some quest? (I do have a quest called Rage but it didnt require Bear meat O.o)