

PikeBishop #Chat Talk

General Chat

Halloween Superstitions Do you hear footsteps? Don't turn around - it may be some lost soul who will take your soul as company to the afterlife. Don't look at your shadow as cast by moonlight, or you'll soon die. Hear three knocks? Someone you know is going to die soon. If you go to a crossroads (around midnight) and listen to the wind, you'll hear important news and deaths that will happen in the next twelve months. Be careful, though - witches find crossroads special. If you let a fire burn out on this night, evil spirits will come around. If a candle blows out where there's no wind or turns blue, it means a ghost is nearby. If the candle starts smoking, it means the ghost wants to communicate with you. If a single girl looks into a mirro

General Chat

Is It Time for Another World War So, Israel claims that they launched, with the United States, two ballistic missiles in the Mediterranean as "target practice." Russia confirms that there were two ballistic missiles fired in the Mediterranean. When Russia confirmed this, Israel then claimed that they had no "information on this issue yet." Russia has sent two large amphibious assault ships to the Mediterranean after the ballistic missiles were fired. Boehner, Cantor and Pelosi agree to Obama's plan of intervention in Syria. In case you did not already know, there are Syrian rebels who are part of and have ties to Al Qaeda. Moreover, Russia has been warning the United States to tread lightly when it comes to Syria. EDIT: