PostThunder #Nightlord Talk

General Nightlord

My damage range is it saucy Edit: Eww title fail. It should be... My damage range... is it saucey? Level 71; 1386-2104 Equips (<- Is poor) Hat- Dark burgler, +1 Luck Face- Blood Mask, 3+ All, 3+ WA Eyes- Onyx Dragon Glasses, 3+ All, 3+ WA Top- Black Knucklevest, 3 Dex Bottom- Marine Shadow Pants, +1 Luck Shoes- Black Enamel Boots Ring 1- Explorers critical ring, 2+ WA, 10% Critical+ Ring 2- Larson's Challenger Ring Earing- Holy Wing Earrings, 3+ All, 3+ WA Shoulder- Larson's EVENT challanger Epaulette, 1+ All, 1+ Weapon atttack Star- Paper airplanes, 20 WA [NOBODY SELLS ANYTHING BETTER IN ZENITH, OTHER THAN STARS I CAN NOT AFFORD!] Weapon- Maple Skanda (+7), 3+ Luck, 43 WA, 0 Slots, unhammered. I have 900k to improve with. Any pointers w