

ProBlades #Chat Talk

General Chat

Club Nintendo Elite Status 2012 So this year we have a choice of what we can get. I'm platinum and not very interested in the games(I already have the ones I want), or the calenders, so I'm looking at the Platinum exclusive rewards. Which do you think would be better to get, the Mario Playing Cards or the Poster Set?(It doesnt give any details on which posters, it might if I actually click it though, but I don't want to risk losing my choice accidently. The picture has Zelda, Kid Icarus, and Luigi's Mansion's posters.)

General Chat

Favorite kind of villian? Title. Types of villians: -The comic relief villian, who's usually evil cause it's fun, and is usually stupid as well.(Example: Bowser from Mario) -The Pure Evil villian, who's born evil and does evil things for the sake of being evil. Usually not human.(Example: Porky from Mother 3) -The classic take over the world cliche(Example: Dr. Evil from Austin Powers) -The really messed up villain. Usually messes with your mind, and is insane themselves.(Example:Joker from Batman)