

Pumpk1nPie #General Talk


Red Lead High Questions Hello! Took a bit of a break to play Path of Exile the past month or so. I came back this week to check on events and noticed Red Leaf High was in. I'm only up to about 600 points but will finish up to 4000 with survey money for keys. Since I've never done this event before I'm curious about a few things. Would the 3 best totems be: Best main stat (int) Best second stat (luk) Principle lady or Best main stat (int) Second best main stat (int) Principle lady Also, will my points remain the next time the event comes around? Have a few alts I wouldn't mind the totems on but don't mind working towards them at a slower rate.


Anyone notice a decrease in sales Since the patch I've notice a complete stand still on my shop. No one is undercutting me, I'm always in the bottom row, and I could recite my prices in my sleep - I normally sell the same items everyday. I've also noticed around me that only WGs seem to be selling - and they've gone up? Please explain this to me basil. I've been doing so good the last two months since I've returned to maple - steady reliable income. Is everyone hunting monster cards? Pissed they can't move fast in the market area? ?


Tempest Weapons, Cube them or pass? Just a few questions ^_^ 1. I read somewhere a few days ago that the Tempest Weapons come with epic potential right off the bat. Can anyone confirm or deny that? I can't seem to find a lot of info on it. 2. I'm not a very hardcore maple player.. I'll usually only play a few times a year a few months at a time, but every time I come back I'm usually pretty successful with jumping my characters up on gear and levels. Because of this I'm not really sure what path to take as far at the Tempest weapon goes. I was thinking about adding the Neck into the mix so I can have the weapon slot free. I still have a decently scrolled Legends weapon on my Demonslayer, but I'll be remaking her on another account and start

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