Pwnmasterice #Chat Talk

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Facebook Innovation This may sound stalkerish, but i was thinking of having a software (Like facebook's auto-tag/face recognition software), so that once you take a picture of someone your interested in or someone you meet, it redirects you to their Facebook profile or give you a list of possible people they could be, it would cut down on the time to be "friends" and connect. Seriously, there have been times where i wanted to add friends i met, but i run into like 50 people named ________, and sometimes their profile/pictures are misleading. *I know if you really wanted to stalk someone you can (*Hint Hint*) go to their instagram/ask/other social media page and usually they post a link to other social media websites they own. *Who

General Chat

League Vs 300 Heroes What is with all you DIEHARD League Players who HATE/DISCOURAGE 300 heroes? I know its a rip off of league, but come on, LEAGUE was a rip off of dota. I don't see Dota Fans getting all mad at League of legends. I know it is copyright central, but its a game that is mean't to be played and enjoyed. Most of you guys are probably TOO afraid to try it out/have ONLY seen the youtubers who "laugh" and "mock" the game, while "half-donkeying it" Its 7 vs 7, the format is 3 top 1 mid and 3 bot, this change lets us experience a team fight more often, instead of waiting 10+minutes just "trading" off and farming. There is even an indicator on when to last hit for gold (some say it takes away