Pwnmasterice #General Talk


Wouldnt it be easier To Introduce a Grand Exchange type of system in Maplestory, like in Runescape. It would save a lot of time and effort, for people selling (no need to hog a spot in fm1-3) and buying (roaming all 22 fm's to find 1 thing). Reasons not to: Nexon won't make ANY money...Resolution: Charge a small/flat fee of Nx (50-100 nx per listing) to list an item on sale, in my opinion it is manageable to even the players that don't spend NX (just do the offers/surveys on the website) . We would still have the fm entrance so people can haggle/spam S> this or B> that for free. EDit: HAHAHHAA i just remembered maple had a MTS (Maple Trade Center) wayyy back when...


Screwed over by 1 minute So did anyone get screwed over by that 1 minute processing period in between timed events like the evolution ring box (DC/Inopportune end time like me)...Why do they have that there? Is it really neccesary? I got my box at 9:59pm and the time barley expires at 11pm and at 11pm 20 seconds it turns into the potion. It screws me over because i cannot get to my next character in time. (accept at 11pm, wont be done until 12am 20 seconds (next day)). Inb4 "dude you got like 24 hours to do this event", *cough cough* some people have jobs or other activities they must attend to before this game.


Ua Cannon Shooter/DB Anyone up for some UA cannon shooter or a UA dual blade when UA's come back*? They just turned into explorers, so they are bound to become UA's right? I want to create a UA dual blade because i have never done so (no-one has) and i do not currently own a dual blade class. Starting at level 50 and having the Pirate/Thief Cygnus skill might be cool for the 2 former special explorers =), Although cannon shooters do not need another mobbing skill...(sharkwave) *When Nexon decides to re-release them again...

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