QuantumLegend #Bowman Talk

General Bowman

Gollux Arrow Illusion I tried out soloing normal and hard gollux for the first time on my MM today to get a feel for it, and I guess I have to say the fact that we can't control the death count spawn from a distance sucks. Also, and I'm sure a bit of practice would help, but I get hit somewhat often when I can't get out of the way in the middle because of snipe's long delay and gollux's relatively quick attack animation. The main thing I noticed today though is that when I was in the middle and summoned arrow illusion to one side, Gollux actually aggro'd it. This obviously made the run much easier and allowed me to even attack at my appropriate distance. A discrepancy was that after a few minutes of this method he did turn around and kill m

General Bowman

Funding Female Bowmen Qq I've got the funds but being a female bowman (bowoman? o.o) is really restricting...there is like no possibility of getting something good for top+bot or overall. In the first place bowmen don't have third tier top or bottom except for Root Abyss, and that'd be way too expensive to get good ones. However some people do cube level 40 tops and bottoms to good %dex, but of course, they're all male :/ Even the best cubed overalls (red mantle) are equivalent to just 13% on a top and bottom...And then of course stirgeman [i]pants[/i] are out there but the skirt...blegh. Just wanted to express my lamentations :( LF>sex change :3

General Bowman

Cant believe Im actually making a what class to play thread So I've been on my mercedes ever since they came out. They're great fun and I absolutely love the class, and I think I'll be resolving to hit level 200 soon. However, I don't feel that my best course of action after that is to continue to pour funds into what I've gathered so far a weak character. I know that we were deemed OP on release, but, correct me if I am wrong, somewhere in that time I guess we fell; my NL friend with the same funding and general equips as me (you've heard this from me a lot recently) dishes about double my damage. I've spent so long on a Merc anyway that I thought I may as well switch things up and get good damage out of my time and funds, especially with

General Bowman

MM.v.Mercedes Comparison Hey guys, I've been off for a while and was considering which character I should return to. I've always loved my Mercedes for the years I played her but when she got a bit too underwhelming I switched mains over to a marksman to experience the damage side of things. MM is nice but honestly I miss my Mercedes, and would be willing to go back to her if the damage potential difference isn't too great. Should I switch back? With my funds spread around I only have equips for ~200k range on either character now (though I'm about to finish my CRA set), so I won't take damage cap into consideration. My main factors are my Merc having perm secondary pendant slot and the fact that I could get a perfected weapon for several bi