QuantumLegend #General Talk


Bowmen and Red What are you guys thinking about RED, for both Bowmasters and Marksmen? (Wish we'd have something big for Mercs :p) I made an MM a bit ago and I have to say the revamp is really neat. In no condition to boss yet, but I look forward to using some of the new mechanics for that. Piercing arrow doesn't need to be charged anymore and we can jump shoot with most skills now <3 The new FJ and hookshot are wonderful for mobility, but I do miss Puppet's monster aggro. How would you compare BMs and MMs? Not to debate damage or anything, just curious how our two explorer bowmen are faring. I may switch to a BM for fun since I can test it out now without leveling to 100 again, and may stay if the training is significantly faster. And w


The Final Philosopher Thread Alright everyone's doing philo runs and asking for p/c's, and people have just given up answering at this point. Let's here make a list of approximate prices. I just copypasted the list from 's thread. Just comment prices of what items you know and if anything should be changed. If it's easier then just copypaste this into your comment and fill in what you can. edit: Yes prices will vary between worlds but this will be a good approximation for more populated worlds like Scania/Bera/Broa/Windia. All else can personally adjust for their economy or just ask in comments. Equips Princessoid Summeroid Fantastical Android Horntail Necklace - [b]150 mil[/b] Empress Equips (Level 140) Root Abyss Fafnir Equips (Level 150)


Whats great about capping? Why do we put so much emphasis in capping? I see so many people comparing damage of classes based solely on the magnitude of the numbers that rise from the monster. Do they not realize that ten weak hits can be better than 1 strong one? Back to capping. Like the thread below...why do you make your purpose to cap? Sure capping is some sort of achievement in itself but it's more of a limitation than anything else. For example hitting cap on an evan doesn't even compare to hitting 500k on gunslinger or something. Maybe I'm just irked. This was a very disjointed typing session. Make sense of what you can and respond how you want. i.e. No offense to the poster. Maybe you just wanted to cap for fun.

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