

RajaAKshay #General Talk


In Need of Help My account was recently hacked. March 4th to be exact. It happened in a five hour span while I went to sleep. 2:30 am~7:30 am est. To narrow it down, my friends went to sleep at 4 am and no siting of anyone logging on my account appeared. This is not a qq thread. I'm just looking for the person who hacked my account. If anybody sees any of this gear floating around or know anybody with it, please let me know. They did gift my account psoks to take all the items. [b]THIS IS NOT A QQ THREAD. JUST LOOKING FOR THE PERSON WHO DID IT.[/b] Chaos Zakum Helmet: 11attack 2 slots 3line unique. 9%luk. Not hammered. Raccoon Mask: 30attack 10%all Stats 4%int. 3line legendary. Branch nose: Scrolled for dex. 3line epic 2%luk. Not hammered.


Scamming Mods, This is for Windia Beware of Samyu1997. He is a scammer. Do not trust. He scammed a innocent girl, xJenJenx33, out of her best item she had-passed down to her by her friend who quit. The SS proves that he does scam, because of him saying, "I scammed Jen." Oh yea, what do we have here a scammer. This SS proves that he also scammed, and was kicked from his previous guild-Lethal. *Skype Convo with Jen.* [3/12/2012 5:49:00 PM] JenJen~: what did he say [3/12/2012 5:49:15 PM] AkkyWakky: "dont need friends on this game" [3/12/2012 5:49:16 PM] AkkyWakky: and now [3/12/2012 5:49:20 PM] AkkyWakky: hes ignoring [3/12/2012 5:49:22 PM] AkkyWakky: me and dustinlol [3/12/2012 5:49:56 PM] JenJen~: lol [3/12/2012 5:50:29 P