RandomGenius #Chat Talk

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Recommend a backpack Hey basil Gonna be a second term senior in high school now, and I want a new backpack (so done with my freshmen backpack :p) I think I'm looking for a messenger bag this time, or something that goes over my shoulders, since regular backpacks keep hitting my butt and it rides put my shirt and ruins it. So can you guys recommend bags that you guys use/like, and pictures of them? Also pictures of people wearing the bag would be great also I'm mainly looking to carry 1/2 notebooks, ipad, and folder basically

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There is a cat monster outside my house Hi basil, it's like 1:30 here and I can't sleep because there's this cat monster lurking around my block. Normally, cats aren't loud, but this cat is really loud, and makes freaky sounds >_> it goes like MOWWWW MOWWWW instead of meow~ if you hear It, it sounds incredibly freaky. If anyone has seen full metal alchemist, it's like the dog monster from the beginning when the evil guy combined them. It looks like a normal cat, but there is something really wrong About the sounds it makes

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Prisoner's Dilema - IPD? Hey Basil, in my Computer Science class, we're doing this Prisoner's Dilema type of tournment. So basically, we have to write a program that does this for us. I've been thinking, and wouldn't Defecting every turn put me at an advantage? If my Opponent defects even once, I will always be ahead of him. if not, tieing the game isn't bad either. However, I looked it up on Wikipedia, and there's something called the Iterated Prisoner's Dilema, and according to the decription, it's when the rounds are repeated more than once. My teacher says that this tournment will consist of around 20 rounds each, so i'm guessing the thing we're going is actually an Iterated Prisoner's Dilema. Apparently, there is something called &quot

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Chemistry Help >_> My teacher gave me these problems for homework, and i'm having trouble understanding them It's about atoms/ions and there are numbers next to the letters, and sometimes theres like a number next to the name Example: 1) 37 K (the 37 is in small font on the upper left corner of the K) does the 37 refer to teh atomic mass or something? why would be need the atomic mass when our periodic table prvides that for us? 2) oxygen-15 does the 15 refer to the atomic mass, or the charge? 3) 2H1 (the 2 is in small font on the upperleft corner of the H, while the one is on the lower left corner of the H) What is the 2 stand for? its not the atomic number nor the mass (according to my periodic table) What does the 1 stand for? (is

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Swimming Problem- Muscles Recently, i've encountered a problem while swimming. When i push off the wall (for butterfly, freestyle, and breaststroke) sometimes, there feels like there's this muscle in my groin (pelvis area) and it hurts. I have the same problem when i'm doing the breaststroke kick. Is there something wrong with me? I've had this for a few years now, but i didn't notice it for a while. It jsut recently started happeneing again. Is there something I can do to prevent this? (more stretching perhaps?)

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Lgt People with swim team experience Hey basil. I'm not on an official swim team, but its a club swimming and we have races sometimes. Yesterday, my coach told us that we have a race next week, and I have to swim in 3 events (Team Medly, Team freestyle, and 100 IM) I haven't much race experience- this is my second one, and the last one didn't go too well :( What i wanted to know is that when you have to swim more than one event, how do you preserve enough energy for the next one? Whenever i sprint I usually go all out, and I am completely exhasuted. There is a slight break in between each event, but I feel that it isn't enough. I think it would be fine if I was just swimming the TM and TF (I am swimming 50free for the TM and 50free for TF)

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Help on strange math homework Well, it seems pretty strange to me at least. My teacher gave us this question (or w/e it is) What are the following properties, and which number systems have them? Associative property, communitive property, distributive property, identity property, inverse property, closure property I have already looked up the definitions of these properties. The thing i don't get is the number systems part. I assume he was talking about things like real numbers, ration numbers, irration numbers, etc What do number systems have to do with mathematical properties?

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