RandomGenius #Mage Talk

General Mage

Should I recube my staff? Finally got my estaff7 to legendary, and right now its 12% Total Damage 9% Magic 30% Ingore def I think it boosted my range by approx 5k, but i'm not exactly sure if getting higher %boss would be better The only boss I can solo is Zakum, who doesn't have a lot of PDR On my staff I have a 15%ignore neb, and additional 15% from my codex Finishing Blow is supposed to have inherent 30%ignore, but I hear its not working? So basically, would more %boss be more beneficial than 90%ignore (or 60% if my skill is bugged)

General Mage

Evan or Ice/Lightning Sorry guys, I am usually against threads like these, but I'm a bit torn between the two :P I decided to take a break from my battle mage for a few months, and play another class. At the moment, both my Evan and Ice/Lightning are level 95. In terms of gameplay, both are very fun and I don't mind either. I just wanted to know which class scales better I feel that Evan's are stupidly strong right now, and even without equips they do lots of damage. I read in a few threads that if you can fund an ice lightning they are pretty damn strong as well. I will be transfering equips over from my bam to use on whichever mage i end up choosing. can you guys give me some insight? in terms of bossing potential at around level 130-150