

RaptorsFan #Battlemage Talk

General Battlemage

New BaM here. Funding question Hello all. I've always loved mages, but I hate how squishy my F/P is. After doing a little bit of youtube watching and whatnot, I've decided I wanted to main BaM. I like simple classes (I hated having to always set up my poisons) and tanky classes. BaMs pretty much use one skill throughout and they are tanky, and a mage. After watching a video of a BaM at HoH, I feel in love <3. Sweeping Staff (or BKB, whichever most of you all call it?) looks amazing and although the BaM I seen was funded, it made HoH look like a piece of cake. I'm switching from my F/P to BaM. I've never had over 200mil at a time and today I just made my first 1bil. (1.4bil). My F/P was pretty unfunded only having a 6%int earring , 6%int