

Reanna #General Talk


Server resets to maintain a good economy Good evening BasilMarket, what do you think about a server reset system like the ones present in Diablo 2 and Path of Exile to keep the economy fresh? For those not familiar with the reset system found in those games, every four months a temporary server is (commonly referred to as Ladder, in Path of Exile this would be the Invasion and Ambush leagues) is created, and the previous temporary server is closed. Items and characters from the closed server are transferred to a permanent server where all items and characters from temporary servers go. [b]-Explain how this would work in MapleStory.[/b] Scania is the permanent server. Windia is a 4 month temporary server. After 4 months, Windia is closed and


Social GM vs. Secret GM Basically I want to know what people think of these two different types of moderation. I will explain both below. Secret GM - Currently used in MS The GMs play God, they maintain order but do so without being seen. They do not socialize, if they are forced to they will often give a "professional" sounding statement. Effective yes, but it often gives the feel that GMs are doing nothing. Social GM - Seen more in games with lower popularity The GMs are very social, they still do their job but they make sure everyone knows they did it. They will often small talk with the players in very casual way ( slang, possibly improper grammar at times). They know the server and the players well. Less effective as Secret G