Regatzopunk #Phantom Talk

General Phantom

How to improve range Look [url=][/url] and [url=][/url]. Those are my current equips. I'm planning on cubing badge and hat and also potting heart and scrolling it with unleashed scrolls. For the cane I'm planning to slate it and use +9s from hot day (we hopefully get) after unleashed like KMS got. and then applying 5star aee (I have like 6) Planning on using absolute ring and getting an unleashed from shop and potting with unique from attendance, then cube. Hopefully I will get leafre codex. I also have 4 beryl hearts, moon & star cushion to sell and 500m for funding. IDK where that will bring me to. Maybe like 3b depending on beryl heart prices in a few months. I have 3 [C

General Phantom

Please help with cane Ok so I have a 140 att Reverse Persona no enhancements yet, it's 3L Epic (crap lines), and I have 25k nx, I was wondering should I keep this and enhance it when wards come out again and then use the rest to cube, or should I use some NX to convert to mesos to buy a loveless persona and then cube/enhance/scroll that. The thing is I only have like 200m right now and i can't sell the persona since it is already equipped, besides I don't have anymore epicpot scrolls so if a pot it it might come out rare and maybe 2L </3 So what should I do? EDIT: How much could I sell a 125 att Reverse Persona level 1/1 enhance/no slots/3L Epic(crap)