

RisingRain #Angelicbuster Talk

General Angelicbuster

Angelic Buster Damage Calculator Yeah, there's like a million different calculators around, but I didn't see one that actually calculated %stat correctly without asking you to input your stats from the stat window. I won't make any guarantees, but I think mine should be accurate to the nearest stat if you fill out your gear properly (it worked exactly for me). Also, this one is catered toward high min crit/high max crit classes like AB, as it includes "ranges" that factor in min and max crit. Naturally, even with AB's 95% mastery, the gap between min crit% and max crit% creates quite a gap in damage output. At the bottom is a calculation for Trinity and Soul Seeker lines, with my own attempt at trying to figure out what Trinity's

General Angelicbuster

Angelic Buster Hyper Stats! Main stat is what you see in the stat window, with no hyper stat points allocated, after MW. Mostly accurate except for PDR, which I made very slightly less accurate for simplicity, as the stat window rounds PDR up for some reason. Also doesn't factor in Trinity's PDR ignore buff for stacking 3 times, but that is extremely minor imo. It's a general calculator, so it should work for most classes besides those which have critical damage bugs currently, such as Hero.