

RobKabob #Chat Talk

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New Games to Play? Hi guys! So throughout the summer, I have been pretty bored of playing my usually "go to" games. This includes: League of Legends, Maplestory, and Mabinogi. I really want to try something fresh that's out there. I've tried playing a bunch of games recently, this includes Tera. I really enjoyed the game, especially the sort of "live action" combat idea, where it's like you're actually fighting a monster, which is why I like Vindictus and Mabinogi. The game turned me off because of the really bad community, and the specific OP classes. What games, other than the ones that I listed, do you play and find very entertaining? I heard RIFT is good, but I don't know much about it. And suggestions for games? EDI

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What Os can do what Windows 10 does but better? Hi everybody! I come to you guys with a quick question concerning the modern day operating systems and which I should choose. Within the last few months, I was anticipating the release of Windows 10; I was hoping it would be something better than what we have seen before. They managed to do a lot of good things with this OS, but a lot of bad things with it. For example, the lack of privacy, and the high amounts of information being sent to Microsoft regardless of your input in the settings. I upgraded to Windows 10 from Windows 8.1, but Im not sure if I really want to go back to Windows 8.1, as it will soon lose support from Microsoft as well (same with Windows 7). Now I'm wondering, are there

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How to do a backflip? Now, I already know how to do the physical part of a backflip. I think my body is able to do it, but Im just scared. I just can't do it. I go to do it, and the second I jump in the air and Im about to begin to revolving, I get scared, and I basically just land back on my feet. I think it's a fear thing, but Im just nervous. I don't have the mental strength to do it yet; I can never do the backflip because of this. I've even watched Shia LaBeouf's "Just Do It" inspirational video, and even I couldn't do it then. That video helps me with almost anything, exams, asking girls out, etc. How do I get the mental strength to commit to my backflip?

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What Email Program do you use? Now, Ive really actually been thinking about this lately. I'm in an E-course for school, and I need to be able to quickly communicate with my teacher via email for school. Ive been thinking about it a lot, and I was curious, what email program/provider do you use for professional use? Personally, I use Gmail. but Ive been considering creating an Outlook/Hotmail account just because Im using Windows 8.1 where all the features are directly connected with having a Microsoft account. Should I create an Outlook/Hotmail email, or just stick with Gmail? EDIT: **When I said "program" in the title, I meant to say provider***

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Opinions on making Contraceptives Free I am taking a course during the summer. For this, I was assigned a topic by my teacher, and I must write about the "two points of views" on a method of solving an issue. The issue I was assigned was teen pregnancies. For this issue, a possible solution could be to for the government (of Canada) to subsidize the costs of contraceptives, to allow low income people (or teenagers, who often have no income) to purchase these contraceptives free of charge. Now I can obviously see some of the pros of doing this; reducing the rates of teen pregnancies. I could also say that we could potentially contact the ministry of education, and encourage them to further educate teens about teen pregnancies. Im h

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What Martial Art Fighting Form Should I Learn? Now, over the past 9 years, I have trained in MMA, and I'm really skilled. Although MMA is one of the best ways for the general fighter, I sort of want to specialize in a certain form. Of course, I want to do something that could also be very useful in a real fight (so obviously none of that silly swords stuff) </3 I'm not sure about how much knowledge the people on Basil have, but I thought I might as well give it a try for some advice. I don't want to take up boxing, it seems really limited, if that makes any sense. I was also thinking about BJJ, but I don't see a real use for it in a real fight, as you probably won't be grappling someone on the ground like they do (unless you're on mats).

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Cute Date in 3 Days Now I have a really cute girl that I asked out on a date a few days ago. I've had a crush on this girl for so long, and I finally decided to do it, and it actually worked out (success story for once). We're supposed to meet up next Monday, three days from today. It's an odd day, but it's summer break, and it's the only day we're both free. Here's the thing, due to stress (I assume), I began to get pimples (whiteheads) on my face, and Im not sure about what I should do now. I really want to look as nice as possible for this girl. The thing is, the whiteheads are not ready to be "popped", so it'll leave huge scars if I actually do try to get rid of them. Should I just try to get rid of them by drying them out? I

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How do the consent laws work? So obviously, I'm not planning for going for anybody much younger, or much older than me, but this is something that there is a lot of confusion on. How exactly does this work? I've heard a bunch of different explanations for this law, and I'm very confused. There are a bunch of different things I've heard: 1. If you are 16 years old, it is illegal to engage in sexual activities with someone under 16. 2. If you are 18 years old, it is illegal to engage in sexual activities with someone under 18 3. If there is larger than a 5 year gap between the two people, and one is under 18, then it is illegal I really don't understand. Again, this is only just so I can understand how it works. I live in Ontario, Canada.

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