

RoflPandar #Gms Talk

General Gms

Wild Hunter Summon Exploit I have seen countless misinformed people in the basil community about this exploit. It is not a glitch; It is an exploit performed by Packet Editing. It can only be achieved by the Wild Hunter class. The summoned monsters do nothing, except Pink Bean and Horntail which give you the 35/30 Attack Buff. They also lag you. People are saying "omg cancel buff in corner or GM ban you". That is untrue. Game Masters do not have the ability to view your skills and buffs. They do not even log on. People like to summon Pink beans, Horntails, Zakums, Balrogs, Pianuses, and other large bosses. This is just to clear it up to people who are uninformed. If you see a hacker, report, do w/e. You are not in danger or troubl

General Gms

Wild Hunter Summon Exploit I have seen countless misinformed people in the basil community about this exploit. It is not a glitch; It is an exploit performed by Packet Editing. It can only be achieved by the Wild Hunter class. The summoned monsters do nothing, except Pink Bean and Horntail which give you the 35/30 Attack Buff. They also lag you. People are saying "omg cancel buff in corner or GM ban you". That is untrue. Game Masters do not have the ability to view your skills and buffs. They do not even log on. People like to summon Pink beans, Horntails, Zakums, Balrogs, Pianuses, and other large bosses. This is just to clear it up to people who are uninformed. If you see a hacker, report, do w/e. You are not in danger or troubl