SageHermitz #Mage Talk

General Mage

Mage class - Making money / Getting equipment Hello fellow maplers - i recently begun my awesome journey in Renegade with little funds (2.7m to be exact) Broke as hell, with no clue on what to do. I farmed my way to level 100 - I am a Mage / Fire/Poison/ Level 100. I want to avoid buying NX to further my character, instead rely on quests/Grinding/Boss hunting to make my loot. Please be very detailed in any advice given My question is the following.... How can I get my hands on a decent wand? How can I start grinding up some money - what direction should I take to make 50-100M (possibly in that range) Any advice would be great, so far all i've been doing has been grinding at jesters/ MP3 I carry level 68-70 Equips which makes it difficult to