

Satellite #General Talk


Winter Achievements messed up So my achievements make no sense atm. First I didn't have the Beast Tamer achievement despite having lvl 120 BT, which I managed to fix logging in to my Tamer. However at the same time I noticed that my BT had "Monstrous Collection" completed despite never doing that event there (to make it more weird it said 2/1 like I had done the achievement twice somehow). Then I tried to get 3 monstory lines but I cannot get the achievement to complete on my Aran: I really want that 7att title :/ Anyone else having this problem?


Red boxes are cursed for me What I've gotten so far: Tree Branch Nose Herb Bag (10 slots) Lv.75 Staff 20% Accessory for Str (untradeable) Crimson Maple Shoulder Tree Branch Nose Sheep Chair Maple Sword Crimson Maple Starsmasher (2h BW) Tree Branch Nose Tropical Cooler Chair Lv.80 Warrior Overall (F) Not a single item worth selling. 2 chairs could prob. go for 5-10mils but other than that it's all worthless. Not sure if Nexon created RED boxes to advertise their awesome NX gach items but if they did, they failed. If I had actually paid NX for all this I would've lost at least 20k nx (equal of 1.4bil in mesos) with no gain. I just really feel bad for those that have wasted NX on these items and ended up getting bunch of stuff with 1mil total


Rip 2bil Exp at Gollux Are you kidding me... Are you kidding me Nexon? I'm level 204, do they have any idea how idiotic it is to make me lose full exp in a boss with ohko attack, potion lock and blocking me from leaving the damn map. I didn't even notice this all until I look at my exp outside Gollux: 0 exp, 0.00% I even asked my buddies several times if you lose exp there. "You don't" they said, it will be fine they said... :~( #NeverTrustBuddylist To make this worse, I already previously lost 37% at Hard Hilla for the same reason. Again, it had death count and NORMAL mode Hilla didn't make you lose any exp. I guess I'm never getting level 205