

Seref #General Talk


Question About Buying Storage Slots I've been considering buying Storage Slots to more easily transfer my items between chars [i](Tradeable items I share amongst chars, like rings/shoulders/wg/capes. As well as items between mule/shop char, since sadly my mule doesn't have my shop >_<)[/i] And I noticed there are 2 seperate ways to go about it. One is the default way in the bottom left of the Cash Shop where it is 4k nx per 4 of any slot. And there is also an 8 slot Storage Coupon in one of the cash shop tabs. I'm curious, do they both work the same? Why would someone buy the 4slot one, when the 8slot one is cheaper and better? Thanks ^.^


11 Potion Tradeable Between Uses? I'm about to get 70 on my Mercedes and with it the potion. On my Demon Slayer I used to potion on him to get to 81, but I plan on using my Merc's potion on a Cygnus to instantly get lvl 16 Cygnus Blessing and to make it easier to get it to 120 for lvl 24 blessing. So I'm curious if I can use the potion on my Mercedes twice, until 72 so I can get 1 sp in the main skills, and then trade it into storage to use on a Cygnus? [i]PS. I have a 45 Blaze Wizard, should I use the potion on them? Or make a different one, maybe a Dawn Warrior since they are easier to level 70-120?[/i]