

Shini #General Talk


Got a level 70 potion, but dont know who to use it on This potion expires in a few hours so i got to hurry. I have almost every single character who's level 100+. I was thinking i should use the potion on a Cygnus knight excluding thunder break since i already have a level 120 one. The question is, which one should i make? I have never tried out any of the other Cygnus knights since their revamp. Also, i'm going to need help picking an ign for any one i decide to make so, please along with your suggestion leave an ign i could use. I'm personally terrible with making up igns.


Hey guys, is Maplestory worth it nowadays? So I've been wondering should i come back to Maplestory? Or a least try it out briefly? For the past few days i had thoughts of returning to Maplestory for a very short while, the last time i really played was when Eunwol came out. I still have the game files on my hard drive and obviously they're outdated. I haven't updated the game since Eunwol. I was originally planning on quitting Maplestory forever after Eunwol, since i believe you can't stay with this game forever, eventually you're going to have to quit and move on with your life. Plus i didn't and still don't want to keep Maplestory in my life forever. Before i had quit around mid-summer of 2014, I've been playing for several years and use


Im sorry, but I think im in love with a certain company The rewards shop is simply outstanding! :D I love it! YESS. I purchase 2 black cubes today from the red shop used both on my weapon, and got to legendary on the first black cube, and got 70% boss on the second black cube! Before i used any black cubes i was at 9% att and 20% boss unique tier on my main weapon. OMG I'm not sure if i got hit on the good side with probably but... MapleStory, pay2win? i think it's significantly decreased. I just needed to let out my excitement. So in total, only took 6 red cubes to get my secondary weapon to legendary tier, a total of 5 black cubes to get my main weapon to legendary and to 70% boss. And NO REAL MONEY was spent, all was on the rewards shop.


Had a bad april 1st in maple Kinda feel like quitting now... Here's what happened; I tried to get to 15 stars on my weapon from 12 stars, blow through all my money (630m) to only get back at 12 stars. When during the process of starforcing i was able to get to 14 stars. I also spent some money on trying to enchant my tyrant cape from 5 stars, got it to 8 stars after dropping and going up a few times, was hoping for 9. Also dropped from legendary to unique because i was trying to get attack speed +1 but ended up with 18+ attack unique. I couldn't afford miracle circulators or whatever they're called. Though I bought 1 with my remaining 10k maple points and got crappy stats when i was at legendary, so i used some honor exp. Which explains the


How do you keep playing the game, when one day itll be gone So everyday when you log on and put time or money into MapleStory, or do whatever you usually do. How do you handle or live with the fact that one day... MapleStory would be gone forever and all that you invested in the game will be permanently gone aswell and you'd get noting back in return except the memories you had? I need some thought on this. Like obviously some of you find MapleStory fun, a good way to pass the time, or something to go to when you want to wind down from work/school. I feel the same way, to a very mild extent. But everyday when i log on to put more time and occasionally some money into the game, i kinda feel a certain kind of way, a negative way to be more pr


I just got rekted I'm done. I know I probably said this multiple times, but this was the final blow. You have my word. I already uninstalled the game. No way in hell I'm wasting anymore time with this. Want to know what literally made me just drop this game on the spot? Well as you know I did quit, but I kept the game installed because every now and then curiosity strikes me when there's a new update. Well it seemed this pink bean update happened out of the blue, and well, I was interested in trying out this pink bean job. Everything was fine and dandy until this moment happen; I so happened to collect some meister cubes from doing the usual pink bean stuff along with killing an elite boss. So I didn't want these cubes to go to waste, since


Just here to brag about my probability Well... As many of you probably know, I had quit maple long ago. Well I decided to log on and come back for the unique pot scroll event. So... Just in case a Nexon rep is reading this, I'm not going to go into what I wanted to talk about regarding the unique potential scrolls. Other than that I decided I should use 1 unique pot scroll 80% on my tyrant altair boots. Well it worked. Yay ^^ (Also wanted to simply mention that Nexon DO read these threads. Even here on basilmarket. So... All you guys should not openly talk about certain things about MapleStory on here, because all it takes is the wrong person to read certain information for Nexon to make certain changes to the game that'd ruin it for everyo


Just a reminder for Everyone Everyone, MapleStory is just a game. A computer game. Which was designed and invented solely for entertainment purposes only. NOTHING ELSE. Don't spend to much time or money into it, and think you're achieving something or gaining benefits from it. Because you're not. They're just pixels, cartoons, drawings... created by a group of guys/girls who wanted to do something with their lives. Keep in mind that at anytime, Nexon could pull the plug on this online game and you'd lose all your progress permanently, and you won't be compensated for all the time and money you invested. You'd have nothing to show for it. All it would be is just a memory. Furthermore, also remember that the life you live now is limited. So d


Something I'm curious about... If all of you, I mean literally every single one of you. Especially the veterans of Maplestory... What if you all could be refunded 100% of all the time/money you invested into MapleStory somehow. What would you do? What would you think? How would you feel? Would you quit MapleStory right now, if you somehow magically could literally get back everything you invested into the game? What if someone walked up to you & gave you a free $5000-$10,000. And the only catch was that you had to quit MapleStory forever along with deleting all of your characters & deactivating your Nexon account. Nothing more, nothing less. Would you do it? As far as time... What would you have done with the time you're refunded fr


You guys, no Don't get sucked into this violet cube gimmick! This clearly shows Nexon hasn't change. They're still the same old greedy company they've always been. This my opinion but; this gives me a feeling the reason Nexon is releasing this is because MapleStory probably won't have that long to last. Who's to say this game wont be shut down in like 3 or 4 years? It's a fact that Nexon is trying to milk this game for all it's worth before going out with a bang. Notice how it took them YEARS to BARELY solve the pay2win issue this game have been suffering from since 2010. I don't see this game holding up and lasting for the years to come. This is a 2005 game. It's so outdated compared to today's standards of gaming, especially in mmo's. It'


Does MapleStory seem fulfilling to you guys? This question got me thinking... I recently came back to MapleStory to try it out after being absent for 8+ months. After playing for a brief few days, i got reminded to how i use to see MapleStory back then, and why i quit... The reasons i played back then was because i liked the feeling when my character develop, i played to be stronger and more funded. When i put work into it to progress in the game, it kinda felt fulfilling and exciting especially when i passed an enchantment or a scroll and i see that "success" text. But now... when i try to do that nowadays i feel like there's a hole in me that can't be filled and when i make small progress here and there, my mind tries to repeat


I think they nerfed the cube rates... I forgot how I wanted to make this thread. I thought to make it yesterday but, I fell asleep early. I did wanted to start off saying that... NEVER ever- under any circumstances- spent larges amounts of real money on Nexon Cash all at one time within a short amount of time for cubing, or simply funding yourself. ESPECIALLY nowadays. I've been saying this actually for a long time. And it seems many of you found out the hard way to why this advice shouldn't be completely disregarded, pushed aside or ignored. Things like miracle time are just marketing methods Nexon use to pressure you to spend more & more money at one time, along with the supposed increased tier-up rates that occurred with the "A


MapleStory feels like a waste of time This thread may come off as ranting/venting or whatever, so i hope you guys don't mind, if you do, go away. Or rather don't reply or read the rest of it. I just want to get my feelings and personal thoughts out there concerning MapleStory. You've been given a heads up, so i don't wanna see any horse crap comments. This is suppose to be a serious thread. Anyway... How can you guys find genuine enjoyment from this game? Like really... i think I'm missing something. When i hear people say positives things about this game i kinda get confused. Are they doing something I'm not or looking at it in a way I'm not? For me, it feels like I'm wasting my life on a computer game that wont last forever. Everyday, the

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