

Silerius #General Talk


Am I being Keylogged? Well... you guys see.... About some months ago, I went into my usual maple char, i spent some time bossing and chatting and blah blah blah Ok, when i won an auction in basilmarket (can't remember the item sorry) i wanted to whisp the seller so I pressed ''H'' to open the whisp tab and i accidentally pressed CTRL+V (command for paste, but i think everyone knows that already :/) thinking that i already copied the seller's name and then is when it appeared.... MY PASSWORD WAS PASTED THERE! MY COMPLETE PASSWORD!, I really though was an accident, I said to myself: Hey, maybe i copied that for aaccident right?.... but it kept happening and everytime I paste without having copied a word it appears. So i wonder if its a keylog


Wtf Soul Split Was Nerfed? If you look at the description in orange mushroom, the kms one says: Level 1: 1240% damage on up to 6 enemies. Cooldown of 291 seconds. [Separated Soul] A soul is created at the enemy's location for 11 seconds which shares HP with the body. Enemies whose souls are separated will take 50% increased damage and will give 43% extra experience upon death. while gms one says: LV1: MP Cost, 62, Damage: 1240%, Number of Hits: 1, Max Enemies Hit: 6 - [Separated Soul] - Shares HP with body, Duration: 11 sec, Damage Taken Decreased by 50%, EXP: +43% - Cooldown: 291 sec


My fears have been confirmed Well, I made another thread complaining about how the new system with the 15% scrolls is better than 10 atk scrolls (at least on faf weapons), many people told me that i was wrong and the limit for scroll was 30%... now after reading the notes and loging in I can see that i wasted money and time scrolling a stupid faf weapon with those 40%. Meh, I'm mad, but now I'll have to get more safety and scroll another faf weapon, maybe sell my 10 atk scrolled one so.. Back to maple