SilverStrato #Chat Talk

General Chat

WTH? Hysteric BFF? So this girl had a crush on me for like I don't know.. 6 months? anyways, she was my friend and two weeks ago she stopped talking to me for no reason.. I asked her BFF what was happening and she told me she had the crush and blah blah I was only playing with her blah blah I was a bad person blah blah so that's why she stopped talking to me. Seriously, I didn't even know she had the crush and I had no intention to hurt her or something, apparently she developed feelings for me and since I only want to be friends after all, yeah.. she stopped talking to me. 2-3 days after that, she talked to me on msn and said that she was wrong and misunderstood everything and said sorry and she wanted to be friends like always. I said ok

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