SimplyLocal #Warrior Talk

General Warrior

Specifics what do you guys think is better out of the two My last thread was too vague. but now i narrowed it down to two classes! Dawn warrior and kaiser! im curious to know which is easier to fund. and what you all think is more fun! on either of the two. Funding isnt an issue but i will take my time funding one. i also would like to know which is the better bosser because they both hit 12 times :S thank you for your help looking forward to reading your posts <3

General Warrior

Whats your Fav Warrior Job decisions hi everyone! so currently im a xenon and i want to move to the warrior branch! im looking for a good bossing job! im almost torn between Kaiser/ dawn warrior/ zero/ and pally. im tired of the thief and pirate scene. i want a more melee class. id love to here why you think is the best choice and if you have another suggestion please let me know. id love to hear you guys out. also if you want to give pros and cons would be lovely as well thank for your help looking forward to reading your discussions :)