SirJayGatsby #Corsair Talk

General Corsair

Our Main Mobbing Skill amp Bossing Skill So, post-RED, what skills should I be using for what? Single Target: I'm trying to decide between Rapid Fire, Headshot and Battleship Bomber. I have all the relevant Hyper Skills for Rapid Fire which also buffs Battleship Bomber and all the relevant Hyper Skills for Rapid Fire (including 0 CD!) but I don't know which is best. Multi-Target: Trying to decide between Fusillade (ELE) and Battleship Bomber. Something tells me Bomber is better on multitarget bosses but my primary concern is about NORMAL mobs (HoH, SH, Twilight Perion). Does anyone know if the buff applied from Crew Commandship (+30~45 Wep. ATK) applies PER summon so summoning 2 different pirates would give +90 Wep. Atk in total and once on

General Corsair

Post Revamp Damage Alright people, enough crying about the removal of Battleship and its related skills. I think the most important thing to look at now is our damage because when it comes down to it as long as Corsair are still doing top damage you're all going to continue playing the class. - Does anyone know the delay on the skills? I need these to figure out the dpm. - Does anyone know the lag after the skills? Same reason as above. - Even better: Has anyone already done the damage calculations?