

SlimeBlue #Fashion Talk

General Fashion

Extinct Nx Item List Hello, i was thinking we should have a list of NX items that are no longer obtainable. Any help would be appreciated. -Lip Gloss -Dark Cygnus Instructor Hats -Sushi Hats -Tinia Shades -Band Aids -Vacation Denim Shorts -Ink N Wash Rings -Bamboo Rings -Twinkling Boy/Girl Shoes -Pink Angel Set -Magic Star Set -Taxi Costume -Demon Half Wings -Cheerful Fox Ears -Lux/Nox/Luminous Wings -Empress Cygnus Set -Phantom Set -6th Anniversary Set -Von Leon Ring -Alice's Teacup -Mu Lung Dojo Uniform -Musical Notes -Coin Sword -Grass Spirit -Pimp Chalice - Jett Set -Green Tie Casual Shirt -Sun Quan Staff -Dark Enamel Suit (Female) -Water Gun -Heart Key -Lined Hip-Hop Pants -Super Booster Shoes -Blue Trucker Hat and Red Trucker Hat -Met