

SlyOne #Xbox Talk

General Xbox

Does anyone have Call of Duty Mw2? Hey I was just wondering if anyone with an xbox 360 has Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2. I know this is a really old game but I had it and I know Ghosts came out and stuff. I just really miss Mw2 and I don't have it anymore. I have never really been a fan of the Black Ops or anything from treyarch but I love ActiVision's products but I gave my MW2 away and I feel the urge to purchase it again the only problem is since it's an old game I'm afraid the game modes are dead. I was wondering if anyone could enlighten me if they still have theirs and play if it is still worth buying if I just want it for the fun of it. Are the modes dead and is there anything I should know? Thank you!