

SodiumOH #Chat Talk

General Chat

Your room - How messy is it? So Basil, how messy/dirty/smelly is your room? In a scale of 0-10: [b]0: Squeaky Clean:[/b] Everything is in order, dusted, no clutter [b]1: Almost Squeaky Clean:[/b] Are those bed crumbs on the floor? Oh My Gawd! [b]2: It's not messy[/b]: I mean c'mon, my desk is messy, and there are a few things, but it's all good. :) [b]3:We can't be too clean right? [/b] Just vacuum it up, and done! [b]4: It's a lil bit of messy:[/b] I have a few things on the ground, my drafts maybe, some worn clothes, [b]5:Don't look under the bed![/b]: (That's where I hide my trash). Everything looks clean though, right? [b]6:Do you use fart scented febreze in here?[/b] No, that's my self-made scent. [b]7: How do I find what I'm looking f

General Chat

Do game sales make you spend more? ^Title When there are game sales, I tend to buy a few, because I can [i]save[/i] money. Given, these games are really good, and I don't regret buying them, because they give me a lot of entertainment. And I don't buy certain games unless they're low enough for me. The thing is I wouldn't really buy them if they weren't on sale. :3 So really, I would save money if they weren't on sale. It's a conflicting feeling. I am glad they are on sale, but I wish they weren't so I wouldn't buy them. :~( -- I just bought Child of Light / Injustice. And now, Fire Emblem, and some Zelda games are on sale on the e-shop. :~( #imsorrywallet

General Chat

Ex decided to send me cheesy s Out of nowhere, I get a message on FB messenger: "Hey you, I've been really down lately, (some cringe-worthy /basil inappropriate stuff here), "You still have my heart, and I want it back." I reply cheese too: "I can't give you back something you never gave me." </3 at the same time :~( I should've stopped there I think, but being bitter I add: "Maybe (someone name) took it with him when he left you." So Basil, was I harsh? And, the words do puzzle me a bit: "You still have my heart" = I still have feelings for you "I want it back" = I don't want anything to do with you (romantically).

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