

Sqeeshyer #Shadower Talk

General Shadower

Trouble with my chief bandit Hey guys, I just advanced to chief bandit. So far he has been pretty cool, but I am having trouble with these new skills. I just want to know: do you still use steal as a mobbing attack for mobs that don't move ( azwan towers, bosses, etc.) or do you use phase dash, then flash jump backwards into another phase dash (which is what I have been doing). Thanks in advance :D EDIT: Basicly what I'm trying to ask is what do we use to mob with in 3rd job for unmovable mobs?

General Shadower

What do i upgrade Hey guys, I have 35k nx and about 2b mesos atm and am looking to upgrade my shadower. I have a 695k-772k clean range with 7.2k luk, 235% boss, and 56% pdr. I have lvl 2 links for DS, Xenon, DA, Kanna, and Shade and have lvl 1 links for Phantom, Kaiser, Mihile, Angelic Buster, Jett, and Cygnus Knight. My current equips are: TOTEMS: -Hunting dog totem: 16 all stat 8 atk -Hunter totem: 32 all stat 16 atk -gold hellia totem: 28 luk 10 atk RINGS: -pinnacle ring: 3l rare 3% luk 25 all stat 2 atk -unleashed ring: 3l rare 3% luk 15 all stat 2 atk -reinforced gollux ring: 3l epic 6% luk 54 all stat 29 atk -tempest ring: 3l epic 6% luk 25 all stat 3 atk POCKET ITEM: -hunting dog collar: 12 all stat 6 atk CODEX: -garbage set 3 all st