

Starfy3453 #Chat Talk

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My parents get irritated when I hate the fact that when the weekends roll around after a tiring week of school that my parents expect me to do house chores Saturday and Sunday. I understand that I'm older and have both school and house responsibilties, but this past week My head was constantly overwhelmed with essays and homework that I planned to finish first before anything. Not to mention that I've been feeling very nausuous because I got sick last Monday.. So what happened this afternoon was I finally finished 5 pieces of homework that had to be typed. All that took me the morning and I managed to do some laundry and tidy the house up a bit. I decided to just sit down and take a break when my parents come through the door some 5 minutes

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Are you a middle child I am :(. It hurts to know that some of those *stereotypical* traits posted for a middle child actually describe how I am. But it's very awkward in a sense that I have 3 siblings: a half sister that's out of the house and 2 brothers with one a year older than I am. I guess this whole influence of being "in the middle" began once my half sister left the house, and it was only my 2 brothers and I left. Does the symptom happen just because there is only 3 of us in the house? If so, what can I do to reduce the sensitivity of breaking down often? One word of criticism thrown at me just sends me to my room or the basement in huge gulps of tears. If you are a middle child, then I'm glad I'm not alone. How do you dea

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The Oh no, I forgot something Thread Ugh.. Yes another one of those clumsy days in my life... I forgot my notebook at school with my new drawings >______<"" I literally text messaged any friend I knew were staying for the open house and also called the counselor to try and find it. Yep.. I am really desperate at the moment rofl... I just hope that one of the after school program students found it... That's where I last had it =/ I just hope they find it.. So yep.. post your recent clumsy days or anything that made you go nuts if you didn't find it.

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The Dream Thread Hello! I couldn't help but get the urge to write again about dreams. Continuing as a reply to some comments in my old thread, I have noticed that my dreams have become more "constructive'', meaning they actually display close to real places like a park, cinema, etc. I am planning to keep a dream journal because I believe that they will influence my career as an animator later on. They seem to become clearer everytime I go to bed late =/ hmm. To start off this thread, I would like to tell one of the most recent dreams I had. This one, in my opinion, sort of lacks that construction of the real world. You'll probably understand why when you finish reading, so here you go! I wake up on a luxury train. This train has 3 cars

General Chat

Did I do the right thing? Today while I was going downstairs to check on the laundry, I heard the "neighbors" downstairs (it was the mother). All I heard was their kid crying and the mom beating him up and I was scared as hell. I don't know what got into me, but I just HAD to knock on the door to make her stop hitting him, I was torn and somehow it seemed the right thing, but my mom comes and slaps me and calls me this and that and why didn't I mind my own business and that it was their kid and such. Last thing I remember is her complaining to my dad about it and right now I'm mentally, if not emotionally, unstable.. I don't even know how I got the strength to write this, but I need to tell someone, and I can't tell my counselors

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Do you remember when You got your first chicken pox? Or even asthma attacks? Well, just yesterday and the night before yesterday, I had this burning feeling inside my right ear. I kept tossing and turning in bed, even started to cry of the pain! I kept getting up and going to the bathroom to try and clean my ears out, but the pain still didn't go away. I had to wake my dad up to find some ear drops (did I mention there wasn't any in the whole stinking house?). He gave me some Advil and I went to sleep. Then at school during Lunch Hour class, I had to check out early because the pain was now not only in my right ear but my left too. At the clinic, my good ol' doctor said I had gotten an ear infection! Iactually was pretty scared when he said

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I had a dream about my crush I haven't been thinking about him much lately, mind you. Here:s what I remember of it: I suddenly have a dream that I'm in an opera place(?) and my school is there. I'm walking around the hallways, and it's full of people from the City Corps Staff. My crush is also a part of that staff too. Then I start thinking how I miss him a lot, and there he is, straight ahead of me writing something down. I run to him and say hello and he turns and gives me a smile and hug (blush). We start walking and talking, but I don't understand what he's saying, only small fragments of it. But it seems like he was whispering it, as if he didn't want anyone else to here. I was then told to go sit in one of the auditorium rows with my