

StormGrief #General Talk


Trading igns extremely random martell facelessman andels andel firstmen Naharis (Dude that's fucking daenarys) clegane (the hound) flayedmen roosebolton jonstark (it's gonna happen trust me) davvos kingsking edmure Heuro plux claye truepatriot bonushero 69inches fortunemonk charlize witchero lopper gike pikers loard epxi freeuse surveyer ohshucks B0SSER wilhelm stayin adhoc localserver gasms futurer harries itemhoarder mypole rarefrog bigtoad treaded octahedral nonpolar deadhero alloc randomaccess instantban mensrights mascuiinity ballbreaker yoursay mrglobal greyking greygod mrrs jackked fuerdai crosssection cheaphoe xpand realhero compiexe ramsa wonderstar eatcape eatpie wisened civicduty chinesegod sealteam6 poorschmuck archpunch earthgo


Bait and switch scammed I've been trying to sell this item for a while now since buccaneers are like a unicorn in Scania (thread from like 2 months ago) Today a guy named "7aran4combo" offered me 80 "epic pot scrolls" for my wrist armor so I was like sure why not? So he showed me 80 epic pot scrolls, before we traded he told me that his inventory was full and he had to retrade and so i did. Here's the part were i screw up and lose my item, he retrades me and puts 80 normal potential scrolls and I didn't think to check and traded, after about 5 seconds i check the items and i realised how much money i just lost... then he runs away. I have a video of what happened afterwards but he realised i was recording and ended up ta