

SudoX #Bishop Talk

General Bishop

Do clerics even need anything? Since my old accounts got hacked, I decided to create a cleric until BB comes so my HS will be at least somewhat useful. It's pretty much a fact that clerics have the worst dps in the game. My question is, since they have the worst dps do their equips matter at all? [b]Could I get to level 200 with purely clean equips? Are clerics expected to do any damage at boss runs? [/b] What I'm trying to say there a POINT to getting better equips, with all the fancy scrolled, and potential items out there couldn't clerics get by with clean equips (since they aren't for dps). Since they aren't really used for dps, is there a point in going luckless? Should I just cap luck at like 80 or something? Does int% m.atk r