

Sunshores #Fashion Talk

General Fashion

Young Bob Hair Help Hi there, Does anyone have a link that shows all the colors for Young Bob Hair? I saw a AFK player in FM this morning and she looked to have this style but it was white! I love collecting white styles for my arans but haven't found a site which shows what the style looks like in all the colors just in case it isn't black which gives the white style. Alternatively if anyone has this style in white could you please let me know what shade produced the white look please :D TY!

General Fashion

Do these eyes exist? semi Black Heaven spoiler alert Unsure about you but I really liked my 'sick' look [url=]PIC[/url] It made me look more droopy/gloomy than sick and I just liked it heh. I'm trying to replicate that look full time. I'm torn about the skin tone (do I go ghostly white skin or pale blue?) but the bigger question is does that half sleepy eye exist? If so do you know the name? I've been hunting through Mapleme but nothing quite fits.