

SuperJuls #Chat Talk

General Chat

This kinda sucks So my mom told me we were moving. I was psyched to finally get out of this town, because it's boring as hell. some dude buys the house So it's the first day of spring break. I was psyched to have two weeks to like, chill and do stuff all of my friends are going on real vacations So, after all of that, I get some package in the mail. Apparently, because of an award I won, I get to go to NYC for this event. I was SUPER psyched about that. looked at the date and my brother's graduation is on the same day edit: I do not live in new york

General Chat

11 year old drama So my sister and her friends are all 11 and they're in the "dating" phase. They keep talking about it on the bus. :/ One of them got a text from this kid I know to be a huge jerk saying "I love you" and she texted back "I love you too" even though he's said nasty and rude stuff to her before. Plus, she's technically already "dating" someone else. B/c of that, she says every once in a while "I'm gonna go cry now" because of how torn up she feels. This girl seems to be creating her own problems to get attention... She says she's said because she's "in love" with two guys, and she probably sees this to be a really big deal, but in reality it isn't. I get the feeling