

Sweax #Chat Talk

General Chat

The Society: What's up with it You have to be perfect. That's how the society (Most likely the people who control the fashion market and other things) stated it. Girls need to be sexy, elegant, hot (I rather call it beautiful) and more Guys need to be Hot, Sturdy, and they need to have a Six pack and more. If someone can't compete with that, he will most likely fall off the bridge of 'safety' Which I think can cause several things like depression or even suicide. So, my questions are: Why can't people be themselves? And do you feel yourself of the bridge or on? Why do girls/guys need to be in that picture of the perfect guy/girl

General Chat

Basils Story Thread Hi there and welcome to my thread. As many of you know there are a lot of artistic people here on Basilmarket. Usually it is only drawing, but why no stories! I know, I know. There are some stories here on Basil, so there's no need to cry. But anyway, I am so thrilling to make a story, a novel or something else. Problem is: I don't have the characters yet! That's why I'm asking you guys to volunteer in this Story. I'm not sure how much characters I need, but I need atleast 5 (and maybe more). I will choose you if you are on the first 8 pages of this thread. Only thing you've gotta do is fill in this form. Note that this will be included in the novel so don't post your own information!: - Character Name in the novel, book

General Chat

I have no idea which study I should take Hello, I'm excusing me for my underrated English Wordskills and Grammar. Dutch is my first language so yea ~ [b]Story[/b] I'm currently in VWO5 (pre university level 5 out of 6) and I'm looking for studies at the moment. I've found two studies which interest me A LOT. Those are: Bio Medical Sciences Pharmacy Sociology Philosophy And I have no idea what to do.. [b]Bio Medical Sciences[/b] I would like to do this study because of the ability to do something in the genetic modification of Plants and perhaps Animals. My main goal is to provide research how food can be farmed in a more sufficient way and to get resistance for some plant diseases. [b]Pharmacy[/b] I would like to do this study because of th

General Chat

The best day of your life! Well, acoording to other threads, it looks like everyone is having problems with their lives. Well, why don''t we start saying good things about our lives. And don't say, i haven't got any good days of my life, because that's not true (well, im asuming it's not true, so don''t blame me) I'll start first! The best day of my life was.... ..when i met my real, true friends, and found happiness in my life, the first day of my thir year in middle school (That's the 2nd (i guess? HS is from 14 till 18?) year in HS) So, how about you! ;D