TShasIssues #Video Talk


Don't know the proper name for all the areas etc but this will do for now. You can access the area through the Door in the Time Temple. There you are lead to a map with two entrances. The one of the left leads to Ereve and the one on the right leads to Henesys. In the future Henesys has been destroyed and all the mobs have become super powerful (Lv 170+). Also all the Cygnus Knights have turned evil including the Empress and Shinsoo as well as the job instructors. The only one that still seems to be good is Nineheart. Always trust a dude with a monocle I suppose. Some famous NPC's are also there but more grown up. Also it seems Chief Stan is dead as you can see his ghost next to a statue of him. But his son who ran off to Kerning has taken