TehDragonKnight #General Talk


Dark Knight Question NOT A BANDWAGONER Ascension Okay, so I randomly went to the Maplestory website because I uninstalled all the games that got boring on my computer (took a 2 month break) and as I come back today, I am downloading the game atm and theres a ascension patch, and I heard we get Dark Impale, I was wondering if I will get a SP reset so I can put points into dark impale (level 133 dark knight). Also, if you can, can you help me find a Ascension Dark Knight build or something, thanks! :D


Dragon Knights are underpowered. Ok, I'm a 110 DK and very unfunded, not like you Maplers who averages about 300m and have godly items. Today, at LHC, I got invited in a party and I only hit about 20-30k in total with each Dragon Fury and end up with about 22-25k exp per crocky. which is very bad. My damage sucks because Dragon Knights are underpowered and the economy prices ALWAYS RISES. I forgot to say that I got 46% in about an hour at crockys... Also, Jump patch might make us stronger again, but only in 4th job, and that;s when we get Dark Impale... and 3rd job is still underpowered.

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