

Tekari #General Talk


Event Ideas for Maplestory Mount Master Races (Hosted by Spiegleman:)): Cannot use pets, time limit is 5 mins to the finish line, will have traps and obstacles, only 3 people in the map. Gather speed potions as you go forward, jump over stuff to get them like on platforms and 1st place gets a box with a chance to obtain AEE, AP scrolls, nebulites C or higher, MMB's, recipes and the mount master medal 3 (+10 all stats +200 def and 5 ATT) 2nd place gets a box with Pot scrolls, EE, D nebs and a chance to get the mount master medal 2 (+5 all stats +100 Def and 3 ATT) and lastly 3rd place will get a box with reg tradeable scrolls, pot scrolls, power elixers (up to 300) and the mount master medal 1 (+3 all stats +50 Def and 1 ATT). The race can o


MY 8 STAR FROZEN BOW REPLACED WITH CLEAN EPIC UTGARD? I don't know what happened but I noticed my damage went down and while searching for the cause, I realized my completely enhanced frozen bow was replaced with a clean epic potential utgard bow and my set effect is now gone. Also, I had sent a ticket about not being able to scroll or enhance my ghost ship exorcist badge and I looked again it had 11 stars and was completely scrolled. Did anyone experience anything funky lately with their equips? I'm a little upset now hat my frozen set effect is gone. I'm too poor to afford fafnir and CRA equips so I have been merching off the things I got from the box gachapon. Help please?


How Much Is My Junk Worth? List Of Junk Items I need Mesos pretty bad so I can get potions: 2 Fantasy Theme Park Teddy Bears 1976 Maple Leaves (from last year) 1 Tablet for Accesory Jump (HPQ) 3 Tablet For Accesory INT (HPQ) Dark Scroll Acessory INT 30% Eternal Bullet (3000) Rare Equips: INT +4 Wep DEF +30 Emeral Earrings 5 Slots 135 MP Purple Giles Cape 5 Slots 2 INT Magicodar 102 MATT 6 Slots (Not Rare) 4STR 8 Avoid Cats Eye 5 Slots All Stats +3 INT +3 Whte Magic Cape 2 99Att Hellslayers Both 7 Slots (Not Rare) Clean Dark Lucida 6STR 3DEX MP +25 WEP DEF 108 7 Slots (Average) Please help me merch Please, I really need mesos for potions or I will not be able to train! <33 Ty ALL!

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