

Teryu #Bowman Talk

General Bowman

iCrossBoIt, new 1 bowman? [url=http://i57.servimg.com/u/f57/16/84/25/34/chrome10.png]http://i57.servimg.com/u/f57/16/84/25/34/chrome10.png[/url] [url=http://maplestory.nexon.net/rankings/overall-ranking/legendary?pageIndex=6]http://maplestory.nexon.net/rankings/overall-ranking/legendary?pageIndex=6[/url] I guess it's about time to step down from being #1 bowman. It has been fun... LOL jokes. Other than grinding all day everyday, nothing fun happened. Anyway, I've enjoyed my 4 months of fame. I hope iCrossBoIt enjoys it too! To be honest, I saw this coming ever since you were on rank #18. Good luck to iCrossBoIt and all other bowman including myself aiming at 250! I really, really, truely wish you all the best from the bottom of my heart. Al