

ThaSavoury #Darkknight Talk

General Darkknight

Dark Impale Pdr formula Hello fellow Dark Knights! I recently remembered since the latest patches that one of our Hyper Skills gives us a bonus 20% PDR for Dark Impale. So what I did was take a point off of the 20% Bonus HP Hyper Skill & add it over to get an extra 20% PDR. However I'm not quite sure if it really made a difference.. :/ Also I'm quite sure a lot or most people do not know how to calculate the new PDR formula. Neither do I... Can someone please explain it to me or link me to a page that shows a chart or something? Thanks in advance :)

General Darkknight

Dragon Buster OR Elemental Resistance Hello :) So since we got AP Resets again and Dark Knights get the new skill "Dark Impale", this makes Dragon Buster useless compared to it. Though Buster is very good to use before 4th job, people that are already at the right level after 4th job can forget about Buster and just use Impale right away. Now here's the thing, I used AP Reset just because I was bored. Then I realized that I can now max Elemental Resistance! I can take points out of Dragon Buster and finally max ER What do you guys think? Sounds Reasonable?