

ThatWalrus #Corsair Talk

General Corsair

Corsair vs Mechanic Hi basil, looking for some advice on the issue (in my head) of Corsair vs Mechanic. I currently have a level 126 mechanic, and an 82 cannoneer (open advancement at 101). I was initially planning on maining the mechanic, but the horrible mobility is killing me. Even with the wind walk we get in You and I: the seed, I don't think I could deal with being completely immobile while using siege. So, I'm planning on moving from mechanic to corsair, seeing as I already have a full CRA set. Basically what I'm asking for is the opinion of basil. Could all you mechanics and sairs come out of the woodwork and share your opinions on what I should do. TL;DR plz wich iz bettah yo