TheUltimatum #Hero Talk

General Hero

Adv Combo Orb Skill is something wrong with the skill because for some reason i can't get more than 2 pink orbs and i already have my Adv Combo at 15. I looked for the skill online at hidden street(the updated version) and it also said max orbs :2 even for lvl 30. and thats what it says in game fro lvl 15. so my question is, does adv combo go only to 7 orbs ? which I actually believe is impossible because then i wont be able to use enrage 0.0 Or is this just a glitch..

General Hero

Damage Calculating for Heroes The Hero has a variety of % Dmg Increasing skills as listed: Advanced Combo Attack 220% Chance Attack 125% Enrage 140% (ACA is 100% more because the skill is originally +120% so that's just 220% don't know how to really explain this, and same goes for enrage's +40% which is 140%) And the attacking skill, Raging Bl0w. 240% This is a total of 240% + 220% + 125%. Now my question is, how do these Percentages calculate. If my range is just a simple 10,000 then will my damage be calculated like this: (10,000 * 2.4[raging bl0w]) * (2.2[ACA] + 1.25[Chance Atk] + 1.4[Enrage]) Which would equal to 116,400 per line. This calculates the damage by first multiplying the range with the attack and THEN adding up the extra +%Dm