

Tigerzeps #Thief Talk

General Thief

Helpful Price check? Havn't played MapleStory in a year or so and just wanted to know if anyone have any idea what some of my items are worth: *This is in Gazed* Chaos Zhelm: 6% all 3% all 6% str (Unqiue) [Clean] Ears: 6% luk 3% luk (Epic) [Clean] Specs: 6% all 6% luk 6% int (Legendary) [Clean] Top: 6% luk (Epic) [Clean] Pants: 6% luk 3% all (Epic) [Clean] Red Craven: 30% bosss 6% total dmg (Unique) [96 att] And also a random Clean Empress Cape (Pirate). If I wanted to trade/sell these items for HP based, what should I be looking at? I know it's alot to ask :~( Thanks in advance!