

TrisaChan #Chat Talk

General Chat

Why is abortion so wrong? Okay, let's put yourself in this situation. Pretend you're a girl (if you're not one already) and say you were forced to have sex. You got pregnant, but you're only in you're mid teens and you can't afford to handle a baby. Would you really wait 9 months for the baby to be born then have it cry all day? I mean, to be honest, I'm just 13 and I don't understand this too much, but if I ever got pregnant while I'm still a kid, I would choose abortion without hesitating. How is it wrong though? I'm an atheist, so yeah. The baby didn't grow yet, and it's just an egg inside you. It's like chicken eggs. You'd probably be freaked out if you saw a baby chicken murdered in front of your eyes and then cooked for you to eat. Bu