

Tyrant #General Talk


Main class help? So upon reaching level 200 on my Xenon, I did some thinking. For one, training on the xenon mobbing wise is sub-par. Second, the DPS is terrible right now, and will remain that way until the B.I.G. update.. whenever that comes. So here's the question, if I switched to another class, how would my range and dps fare out? I'll make it a poll to choose from, but please read over these stats before deciding. The classes I'm thinking are viable mains are: Night Walker, Night Lord, Mechanic, Angelic Buster, Kaiser, Dark Knight, Paladin, Hero, or an Aran. Currently on my xenon I'm resting at 1.25m range clean w/o dojo gloves. - Total %STR: 97 - %LUK: 105 - %DEX: 58 - %ALL STAT: 82 with that, and the ample amounts of %'s I could tra


Xenon or Nw? As it stands, I'm wondering what will be an all around better bosser, once xenon has their delay on snipe reduced. Of course NW will be superior in Hell Gollux, that's a given. As it stands I'm hitting near 22-25m on snipe. But the lack of dps is really starting to eat at me. With a Xenon hitting cap on snipe, what lines would a NW have to hit to be out-damaging it? 10-15? 15-20? - My only hesitation on switching is that I've got all pirate gear. qq right? I want to be 2m~2m no clown, but before I drop more funding I want to see what's the better choice, both have bind, NW has really high dps with good crit, barely any buffs and high status resist. xenon is buff king, decent mobility and more mobbing skills.. (which is relative


About patch notes The shorter boot up time seems pretty cool. I sure am excited about the cube drop rate increase. Farming honor at SH is pretty terrible because of the monster card lag, but it'll be interesting. Also, they left out some resistance classes, like xenon for one. I was really hyped about the snipe delay decrease. Off to sleep! :) (I'm aware this is one of a million boards already posted.) [url=http://maplestory.nexon.net/news/updates/update-notes/00IMr]Update notes for you lazy folk![/url]

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