

Tyrant #Thief Talk

General Thief

Main class help? So upon reaching level 200 on my Xenon, I did some thinking. For one, training on the xenon mobbing wise is sub-par. Second, the DPS is terrible right now, and will remain that way until the B.I.G. update.. whenever that comes. So here's the question, if I switched to another class, how would my range and dps fare out? I'll make it a poll to choose from, but please read over these stats before deciding. The classes I'm thinking are viable mains are: Night Walker, Night Lord, Mechanic, Angelic Buster, Kaiser, Dark Knight, Paladin, Hero, or an Aran. Currently on my xenon I'm resting at 1.25m range clean w/o dojo gloves. - Total %STR: 97 - %LUK: 105 - %DEX: 58 - %ALL STAT: 82 with that, and the ample amounts of %'s I could tra