

UltraLudde #Battlemage Talk

General Battlemage

Yellow auro or Drain Hey, just wonder what I shall waste my SP on, Yellow aura or drain? Most ppl will say yellow aura I think, but when it's maxed it gives 1+ atk speed and 20+ walk speed and there's so many equips that gives speed and staff bosset doubbles the atk speed on your weapon, so if u have a lvl 103 ele staff with fast speed and use staff booster u dont need yellow aura so then it's better to max drain? thanks for answear and tell me if I'm wrong with something.... :D

General Battlemage

Wich staff shall I miracle Yay! Finally BaM's in EMS! :D I'm lvl 31 and wonder wich of theese staff's I shall miracle scroll :) Poison Mushroom: 48 M.ATK, Fast speed, 48HP. lvl 30 (miracled = 93 M.ATK) Nocturnal Staff: 58 M.ATK, Normal speed, 50MP 100HP. lvl 42 (miracled = 103 M.ATK) You maybe think 'lol it takes 5min to get to lvl 43 and it got 10 more m.atk..' but Poison mushroom has fast akt speed (Yellow aura = Faster?) Ans looks soo much better. :D So only reason to scroll the Nocturnal Staff is for the 10+ m.atk.. :p Thanks for answear, and if you think I shall miracle any other, Staff thell me! :)