

Um4ng #Warrior Talk

General Warrior

What do I upgrade next I just hit 120 a couple of days ago, and I feel like my damage is kinda low compared to everybody else, so I want to upgrade my equips, and I don't know what I should upgrade next. What I currently have and am using: Helmet: 15/16/15/15 Scar Helm(3% dex 8int potential)[I also have a 15all zhelm and 15/15/15/17 no pot targa helm in my possession] Earring: 2% str lvl65 Gold drop earrings Shoulder: none Top: 3% str lvl90 dark valkyrie Bottom: 3% lvl90 blood valkyrie skirt Shoes: 2% str lvl70 Blue Carzen boots Shield: none Rings: lvl17 evo ring 1 lvl17 evo ring 2 nimble ring 3 nimble ring 2 Medal: Family Loyalty Forever(4 all) Glove: 12 atk 1 slot wg Cape: 2% str lvl60 Blue Magic Cape Belt: 4str white belt Pendant: 5all S